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mooool interview with Kotchakorn Voraakhom

LANDPROCESS 景观设计事务所 是一家致力于解决或应对城市气候变化问题、改善城市生态的泰国景观设计公司。自2011年创立以来,LANDPROCESS一直坚守尊重自然、造福于民的设计初心,聆听社会需求,通过设计建立自然与人类之间的和谐关系,做真正可回馈社会的公共景观。2019年,他们的抗洪生态公园获得了WLA、ASLA等多项景观设计大奖。之后的生态城市绿地空间设计更是层出不穷,不仅拓展了景观行业的设计思路,也为人们应对气候变化提供了新策略。

mooool聚焦景观设计行业,致力于传播全球优秀设计理念,本期mooool专辑带来的是泰国LANDPROCESS公司创始人Kotchakorn Vorkaakhom的专访。欢迎业界同行跟我们分享更多的经验和想法!

Landprocess is a Bangkok-based landscape architecture and urban design firm founded in 2011 by landscape architect Kotchakorn Vorkaakhom. Since its establishment, LANDPROCESS has always adhered to the design concept of respecting nature, listened to the needs of the society, and established a harmonious relationship between nature and human beings through design, so as to create a public landscape that can really give back to the society. In 2019, their Chulalongkorn Centenary Park won many landscape design awards such as WLA and ASLA. After that, green space design of ecological cities emerged one after another, which not only expanded the design ideas of landscape industry, but also provided new strategies for people to deal with climate deterioration.

We focus on landscape architecture industry and devote to spreading the excellent design ideas around the world. In today’s interview, we introduce Kotchakorn Voraakhom, Founder of LANDPROCESS.

总策划:陈科君 / Producer: Kejun Chen 主编辑:陈科君、王兰芳 / Editor: Kejun Chen, Via Wang

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